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About Email Policy, Email Quota and Email Limits

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Quotas and limits

            All users in the server must have access to the centrally-managed email server and all accounts have email quota limits placed on them. Once the account reaches its quota limit, no further email can be delivered to the user’s inbox until they have reduced their storage limit. If email is sent over a particular amount in any hour, then most of the emails will bounce back with an undelivered error so it will take some time for your account to be able to send again. A waiting time can be set on the server to begin sending email again. You can set are limits on the size of an email that can be received and transmitted. If the account reaches a quota limit, then the emails are held in the local mail queues and the system will retry periodically to deliver.

Limit types

1) Messages per day: Daily sending limit

2) Messages auto-forwarded: This specifies the messages automatically forwarded from another account. This is not included in the daily sending limit.

3) Auto-forward mail filters: Account filters that automatically forward mail

4) Recipients per message: This specifies the addresses in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields of a single email.

5) Recipients per message sent via SMTP (by POP or IMAP users).

6) Total recipients per day: Individual addresses count in every mail sent.

7) External recipients per day: It specifies the email addresses outside your primary domain. It contains domain aliases and alternate domains.

8) Unique recipients per day: Individual addresses count once a day.

9) Message size limit: This is the maximum total size of an email message and the total size contains the message header, the message body, and file attachments.

10) Message rate limit: This specifies the maximum number of email messages that can be sent from a single email client per minute and the client is identified by the user account.

11) Recipient rate limit: This specifies the maximum number of recipients that a user can send to in a 24-hour period. After this limit has been reached, messages cannot be sent until the number of recipients who were sent messages in the past 24 hours drops below the limit. These limits can be applied to all outbound and internal messages.

12) Retention period for deleted items: This specifies the maximum number of days that items can remain in the Deleted Items folder before they are automatically removed.

13) Recovery period before permanent deletion: This specifies the maximum number of days an item such as emails or tasks etc. are available for recovery after it is removed from the Deleted Items folder before being deleted permanently.

Email address policy

            Email address policies define the rules that create email addresses for recipients in the organization. The basic components of email address policy are Email address templates, Recipient filter and Priority. Email address templates defines the email address format for the recipients. Recipient filter component specifies the recipients whose email addresses are configured by the policy, and Priority   specifies the order to apply the email address policies.

Mailing list rules:

1) Mailing lists must be double opt in lists: It means a user has subscribed for a newsletter or other email marketing messages by certainly requesting it and then confirms the email address to be their own. Confirmation is usually done by responding to a notification or confirmation email sent to the email address the end user specified. The double opt-in method limits the chance of abuse if somebody submits someone else’s email address without their knowledge. This will not provide the permission to mail any mailing list that you were given or purchased. If this is done this will also be considered spamming and may result in termination of the offending account. Email Scripts must be able to handle and document all information from a double opt-in list. It includes recording the sign-up IP address and date/time, double opt-in verification IP address and date/time, processing opt-outs (via web or email), and list removal on bounce backs.

2) Messages must have clear removal instructions and valid headers: The message must include a subject line that is relevant to the message’s content. The body text must be clear, concise and each message should contain a meaningful subject.

3) Removal requests must be completed within 24 hours.

4) Messages must include details on how the user subscribed.

5) Excessive complaints may result in account termination: Any unsolicited email being sent will result in suspension or termination of the account and if anyone who causes the server’s load to go high it will be suspended and the process will be terminated.

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