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Manage Email Accounts Suspension in cPanel?

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Suspending email accounts in cPanel can be easily done from the interface. This allows us to suspend various features such as login, download, and sending of emails for a specific email account. The steps to manage email suspension are outlined below.

1) Log in to cPanel.

2) Select the “Email Accounts” option from the “EMAIL” section.

Account Suspension

3) Choose the “MANAGE” option for the corresponding email account that you wish to suspend.

Account Suspension

4) In the displayed window, you will find three options under the “RESTRICTIONS” section: Receiving Incoming Mail, Sending Outgoing Email, and Logging In.

Email Accounts Suspension

If you wish to suspend the account’s ability to receive incoming emails, select the “Suspend” option under “Receiving Incoming Mail.” To suspend the account’s ability to send emails, select the “Suspend” option under “Sending Outgoing Email.” If you want to hold the emails being sent from the account, choose the “Hold” option. To deny login access to the account, select the “Suspend” option under “Logging In.”

5) Once you have made the necessary changes, select the “Update Email Settings” option to apply the modifications.

Account Suspension

This is how you can make an email account inaccessible without deleting it.

If you want to revert the changes and make the email account accessible again, follow the above steps and select the “Allow” option.

If you need further assistance, please contact our support department.

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