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Types of Email Marketing

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Email marketing is good for business for promoting your website by emailing customers and potential customers who visit your website.  Email marketing is an essential tool for business to communicate with the customers. Email marketing is a form of marketing which uses electronic mail to reach the customers. These emails include sales requests for new business, advertisements etc… It is a part of internet marketing, which encompasses online marketing via websites, social media etc. The method is the same as direct mail but instead of sending mail through the postal service, the messages are distributed electronically via email. Email marketing allows keeping their customers updated.

Types of Email Marketing

1) Newsletters

Newsletters are regularly timed way of email marketing which keeps your website visitors informed. You can choose weekly, monthly or whatever schedule for the best of your business. The most effective newsletter lists are to include a signup form on your website so that you can track the users want to receive the newsletter. It may include the users who don’t want to be on your list.

Newsletter features:

1) With the newsletter, we can inform both already existing customers as well as potential buyers about new plans for your business.

2) Promotion of good and services in which you can notify the customers about what is happening in your business.

3) Provides complete information of a particular industry. It can distribute the plans of your business in a certain order.

4) Creating an impression among the customers.

2) Email promotions

Email promotions are the best way to notice your customers if you have an upcoming sail or special offer or a new product launch.

3) Surveys

Surveys are a great way to impress customers by collecting feedback on how to improve your product or service. It a better idea to improve your business. It is one of the best methods to test a new product where you can identify the pros and crons of your product from your customers.

There are many ways to conduct email marketing methods (Newsletter, Email promotions and surveys). One example is phpList. PhpList is an open source software, which is used for managing the mailing list. This is written in PHP and uses an MYSQL database to store the data.  Using phpList we can send an email to a large number of subscribers. You can refer more from >> https://www.WebHostingPeople.net/tips/kb/install-phplist-manually/


1) Inexpensive: Email marketing is an inexpensive method to grow your business. It is cheaper and faster than traditional mail. Traditional email is a time-consuming process which requires more time for production, printing, addressing and mailing.

2) Response rate: Compared to direct email, it produces a higher response rate and higher average order value for the business. When email marketing has been properly computed, business investment can be increased.

3) Flexible: Email marketing is flexible in which it can include a wide range of message that can be distributed to a huge amount of customers.

Email marketing provides a cost-effective method for testing marketing content within a limited amount of time. With email marketing, we can include advertisements with images which provides more attention to the customers.


1) Sometimes, the mail can be classified as spam. People’s inbox includes both solicited and unsolicited messages. Some servers use email filters to reject unwanted emails. This could result in the emails to be delivered to the spam folder.

2) Email marketing requires constant tweaking to keep the subscribers updated.

In order to prevent spam, we can set the hourly limit for the emails that can be sent from a domain.

Email Marketing Services

An email marketing service is a platform that is used for sending emails to your website visitors for promotions and updates of your business.  The services provided email marketing companies help us to grow your business by enhancing the relationship between businesses and clients. So it is recommending to choose the best email marketing service according to your marketing needs. Email marketing services come with a price but it will be easy to manage and integrate emails to your website, able to create automated emails, track emails etc…

Things which can be done with the email marketing services are:

1) Easy to build an email list.

2) Collect emails from your website visitors.

3) Design emails.

4) Start a newsletter.

5) Able to create autoresponders.

6) Test emails for creating better email campaigns.

There are plenty of email marketing services are available with different features. Among them the most popular email marketing services are:

1) MailChimp

2) AWeber

3) GetResponse

4) ConvertKit

5) Drip

Each of this service comes with unique features.

Email Marketing with MailChimp

MailChimp is a simple email marketing tool for small websites. It is best for beginners as it comes with a free plan. It is easy to manage and integrate with which you will find new features all the time. It has social media integration also. The MailChimp plan allows to have up to 2000 subscribers and you can send up to 12,000 emails/month. But, once you have exceeded the limit, you have to upgrade the plan. The new feature comes with the automation feature for free.

Features of MailChimp

1) It is an easy to use email designer.

2) The huge amount of templates for designing emails for free.

3) Testing options.

4) Easy automation templates.

5) Advanced scheduling system: You can send emails based on the subscribers TimeZone or you can set MailChimp to decide the time of your subscribers which allows you send emails at the perfect time.

6) Free account for smaller mailing lists

Creating an account in MailChimp

To create an account in MailChimp, perform the following steps:

1) Login to MailChimp website https://mailchimp.com/

2) Click the “Sign Up for free” button.

3) This will redirect to another page where you can specify the “email”, “username” and “password”

4) Click “Get started”.

The next step is to create an Email list to capture all email addresses. This will help us to capture the email addresses instead of managing the email address with a spreadsheet.

5) To create an email list, login to MailChimp.

6) Click “Lists” from the MailChimp dashboard.

7) Click “Create List” button.

8) Fill out the form and then you will prompt to provide some details such as the name of the list, from address, contact details etc.

You can able to see this list from the MailChimp dashboard all the time.

Generate Sign-up form

1) Login to MailChimp dashboard.

2) Click “Lists”.

3) Choose Signup forms.

4) Select an appropriate form.

Once you have selected the form, you can add this to the website.

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