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Adding Audio and Video to Word Press Blog Post

Do you believe online videos are just another overhyped, passing trend? Think again!

While your writing showcases your personality, text-based content is ultimately a very one-dimensional medium. Online video, however, is constantly gaining momentum as a crucial source for marketing and content promotion. Take a look at the following relevant data from a survey compiled by softwareadvice.com, CMO.com, and Eloqua.

The above graph illustrates the percentage of marketing respondents who utilize each offering or content. What’s the key takeaway? Majority of the respondents prefer videos over case studies, white paper, even live demonstrations, and that’s why you should consider incorporating video and audio files into your website.

WordPress 3.6’s Native Support for Audio and Video Files

WordPress offers excellent support for embedding Vimeo and YouTube videos, but if you prefer playing a video that has been uploaded to the server, you can do it very easily. Previously, implementation of some kind of player was necessary for this purpose, but now all you need to do is include the link to the file in the editor. It will automatically be converted into an HTML5 or Flash player using the well-known MediaElement.js JavaScript library, depending on the type of device or browser, for compatibility.

How to Do It

The process of embedding video and audio players for specific uploaded media directly into the page content is similar to inserting an image file into your post.
1. Initially, upload/edit a post or a page.
2. Choose a location in your content where you would like the player to appear.
3. Click at that point and press ‘Add Media’.

4. Click ‘Add Files’.
5. Ensure that the media file you uploaded is selected.
6. The ‘Embed or Link’ section present under the Attachment Display Setting must be set to ‘Embed Media Player’.

7. Next, you need to click Insert into page/post.
WordPress will have inserted a shortcode for the video or audio, which will eventually be replaced with a player.

File Types Supported By MediaElement.js Player

Mp4 for video and Mp3 for audio are standard. However, all the files listed below are supported by the MediaElement.js player.

  • Webm
  • mp4/m4v
  • mov/qt
  • ogv
  • flv
  • wmv
  • wma
  • mp3/m4a/m4b
  • wav
  • ogg/oga

Why Native Audio and Video Support Makes Your Easier

Strong video and audio support implies better experience for both readers and publishers. Finding the right video and audio Plugin can sometimes be a significant obstacle, particularly for beginners. Not only does it require a specific Plugin that is fully compatible with the current version but it also demands comprehensive knowledge in this area. And, to be honest, it’s not simple for a newbie to have expertise in everything.

The new feature offered by WordPress 3.6 makes it possible for nearly everyone to upload and display video and audio files without having to be familiar with the installation and customization of Plugins. It’s not only easier for bloggers but also for the readers, given the extensive support for different devices and browsers.

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